Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Updates, updates, updates...

Hello world, how's it hanging?

As you may have noticed I still haven't posted much here. If you are extremely astute you will have seen that I have been updating my challenges page as I read more books. I have however started many more challenges (through which I haven't listed but will mention more fully in an upcoming post. My alphabet challenge, in my opinion, is going will and is looking optimistic that this year I will be able to successfully complete it.

If you haven't already moved over to check out my YouTube channel please do so as you will find a variety of book reviews, and book haul shown there. Also keep an eye out for my April Wrap-up video that will be posted soon as well as a May TBR (to be read) video that will update you on what I am currently reading as well as a couple other books I hope to start and finish by the end of May.

Also at any time you can check out what I've read and am reading on Goodreads or for any other random updates Twitter.

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